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E-mail problem with ISP

Discussion in 'Firefox, Thunderbird & SeaMonkey' started by BOBBO, 2007/08/16.

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  1. 2007/08/18

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Ramona: I created the E:\Backup folder as you suggested.

    If I plan to delete Netscape and my present Profile as soon as I see that SeaMonkey is working OK (I won't have any use for it anymore, and that's how I'll recover some space in C:\), does that change the procedure from what you just prescribed?
  2. 2007/08/18

    Westside Inactive Alumni

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    If your Seamonkey works, especiallyif has picked the profile of NS, you will not want to use NS7.1. Uninstall it from the Add/Remove.
    Read carefully Ramona's post. In my experience, I stopped using NS, and the profile was picked up by Seamonkey, without incidents,....for about two weeks. I, then had to create a new profile.
    Ironically, I stopped using Seamonkey, and reinstalled NS7.2, which I am using with the Seamonkey profile.

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  4. 2007/08/19

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    No, the procedure will be the same:

    Close Netscape
    Create a new Profile, using the Netscape 7.1 Profile Manager

    Open Netscape
    Empty your Trash Folders
    Compact your folders
    Delete the Cache folder located here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\profilename\*.slt\Cache

    Delete the XUL.mfl file located here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\profilename\*.slt
    Close Netscape

    Install SeaMonkey
    When the Profile Manager opens, select the new Profile

    Let us know how it goes...
  5. 2007/08/19

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Ramona: Did it! Installed and configured SeaMonkey, at least well enough that I was able to get on-line, receive several e-mails and send a successful test message, and then do a Google search for this BBS site and get logged on so I could tell you the good news.

    There were a couple wrinkles along the way. I deleted the Cache folder OK, but when I tried to delete the XUL.mfl file it wouldn't let me until I first closed Netscape. Then I was able to delete that file, but when I reopened NS and went back to the Profile folder I found a new Cache folder had appeared. So deleted it again, then closed NS for the last time.

    Now I need some more of your terrific help to get my old NS bookmarks and address book and custom dictionary into SeaMonkey. I'd like to recover my old NS Inbox and Sent and Drafts files, too. Should I do that before moving SeaMonkey to my E:/ drive or after?
    Last edited: 2007/08/19
  6. 2007/08/19

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    That's excellent news BOBBO!

    You really should close the browser when doing any editing, altho Netscape will allow you to delete Cache from within the browser. Netscape rebuilds the Cache folder and the XUL.mfl file when reopened. Samo with SeaMonkey.

    O.K., if you intend to keep Netscape around, then let's do this, and I should have told you this in my last reply. The new SeaMonkey Profile should have been created on the E:\ drive, and this is my error. Please forgive my omission! :eek: It is fixable, and you will lose nothing, I guarantee you that. Also, you did install SeaMonkey on the E:\ drive, correct?

    With both browsers closed:
    Open Windows Explorer, and browse to the SeaMonkey Profile here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\*.slt\Mail\Mail_Account_Folder

    Copy the Inbox file to your E:\Backup folder. Only the Inbox file, and NOT the Inbox.msf file. We will rename this file to Inbox2, and copy it to the Profile you will create on the E:\ Drive.

    If there is nothing else in the Mail that you wish to keep, then open the Profile Manager. Highlight the NEW Profile and click on: Delete Profile
    When prompted to Delete Files or Don't Delete Files, select: Delete Files. Now you have cleared everything out, and you can now create a new Profile on the E:\ Partition.

    First: On E:\ create a folder for the new Profile, e.g., E:\SeaMonkey Profile, or whatever you want to name the folder.

    In the Profile Manager Window when you are presented with the field for the Profile Name. In this window there is a "Choose Folder" tab. When you click on this tab, there you will select the E:\ partition, and the folder name that you selected: e.g., E:\SeaMonkey. The new Profile will be created in the SeaMonkey folder. Use a different Profile name than either Netscape, or the new Profile you previously created.

    Let us know how this goes. Once created, you can then start copying Profile data from Netscape 7.1. I will give you a list of files, once you have the Profile created.
    You will want to change the SeaMonkey Desktop shortcut, and add this command line switch:
    "E:\SeaMonkey" -p newprofilename
    Note: there is a space between the path and the command line switch.

    Your entire Mail folder can be copied, but create the new account first, THEN copy the Mail folder to the new Profile.

    Files to be copied:

    xxxxxxxx.s - Password data
    xxxxxxxx.w - Form Fill data
    abook.mab - Address Book
    bookmarks.html - Bookmarks
    cookies.txt - Cookies
    cookperm.txt - Cookie Manager/Cookie Permissions
    custom.dic - Dictionary
    history.mab - Collected Addresses
    key3.db - Security Certificates (if applicable)
    loginNames-aim.rdf - if applicable
    loginNames-icq.rdf - if applicable
    mailViews.dat - Current Message Views
    panels.rdf - Panel displayed in the Sidebar
    search.rdf - Search Plugins in the Sidebar
    training.dat - Junk Mail training data
    user.js - If you have created the file, if not disregard
    usercontent.css - If you have created the file, if not disregard
    userchrome.css - If you have created the file, if not disregard
  7. 2007/08/19

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Oops. No, I didn't create the new Profile in E:\. Did it in C:\. Installed SeaMonkey there, too.

    I printed out your last post so I'd have all the details handy while doing everything in it off-line. Can I just copy and paste the SM folder in C to E? And then delete the one in C? Any other changes from your last post? As I say, I printed it out, so you don't need to repeat everything. I hope.

    BTW, I don't intend to keep NS around. As soon as SM is all squared away, NS will get disappeared.

    I've already noticed one thing better about SM than NS. It's spellchecker is a lot smarter. :)
  8. 2007/08/19

    Westside Inactive Alumni

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    are you aware that if you have Windows, you have to have files installed, as well as Registry items to go along. If you must have Seamonkey in the E drive start from scratch.
    Personally, I don't think that there is any problem using the Netscape profile with Seamonkey, as long as you don't flip flop. Only one program/ profile.
    But, you will be better off doing things right, so start from scratch.
  9. 2007/08/19

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    I agree with Westside, that you should start from scratch. Uninstall SeaMonkey using Add/Remove, and delete the new Profile, and all its files, with the exception of the Mail that you wish to keep as described earlier. Then create a NEW uniquely named Profile on the E:\ partition, and install SeaMonkey to the E:\ Partition.

    Ah yes, a definitely improved spellcheck, and you will see other improvements as you use SM. And it isn't four years old... ;)
  10. 2007/08/20

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    I've run into a snag. I was working on this part:
    I'm trying to set the profile up in E:\SeaMonkey. When I attempt to enter a new profile name and click on "Finish," I get this error message: "Profile couldn't be created. Probably the chosen folder isn't writable." How do I get past that?

    Another issue:
    Where do I add it? By right-clicking on the shortcut and then Properties? If so, in which box do I add the command line switch?
    Last edited: 2007/08/20
  11. 2007/08/20

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    I haven't been able to get info on that error. I am still trying, and as soon as I know anything, will get back to you with the answer. Yesterday, when I was testing moving the SM Profile to a different location (I used E:) I also got the error, but because I don't have a partitioned HDD. You're running Windows XP, right? I did find this information on moving a Profile:
    If you're up for it, give this a try. SeaMonkey is the only browser that doesn't have instructions for moving a Profile to a location other than default, in the knowledge base. Hopefully someone will rectify that in the near future.

    Yes, right click the shortcut and select Properties
    To the "Target" field add -p newprofilename

    NOTE: add -p, space, and then the new profile name. I edited this, so don't think your eyesight has gone bonkers!
  12. 2007/08/20

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Ramona: I think the information in your latest post will be helpful

    Things got really weird after I submitted my last post last night. Decided to start from scratch. Went to Control Panel|Add/Remove. Found a SeaMonkey 1.1.1 as well as a 1.1.4. Why? The only install file I had was for 1.1.4. (I do remember that after installing SM I once went to the SM/Help button and it showed it being v1.1.1. Ignored it.) So deleted the 1.1.1. For some reason I then tried to find the SeaMonkey profile but couldn't find it. Did a search and found 59 different entries for "Profile" but none for SM. Went to where it ought to be. Nothing. The profile for NS 7.1 was where it should be, but nothing for SM. Opened SM and found my bookmarks and personal favorites were there. The e-mail window looked different, more like NS 7.1 and the way I liked it, and my address book was there. Found a new e-mail message and wrote a reply. Clicked on Send and then 20 seconds elapsed before I got that same SMTP error message I was getting with NS 7.1. What the **** is going on?

    Yes, I'm using Win XP (HE with SP2), and my old browser was NS 7.1.

    This whole operation is turning into more of an epic than I'd expected, but I suspect I again need to delete SM 1.1.4 and start from scratch. Right? Anything else?
  13. 2007/08/20

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    Sounds like SeaMonkey picked up your Netscape Profile... To avoid this, the Profile should be created before you install SeaMonkey.

    Before you do anything else, I have some questions for you. I asked some of the experts about moving the SeaMonkey Profile, and gave them the error you received when trying to create the Profiles folder on E:. These are the questions they asked me:
    Lemmeno so we can get this done. Go ahead and uninstall everything SeaMonkey, including any Profiles you have created. Just leave Netscape as it is.
  14. 2007/08/20

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    Just out of curiosity, right click your xxxxxxxx.slt subfolder, and select Properties. How large is the folder?
  15. 2007/08/20

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    It's 223 MB. Is that the explanation for "unwritable "? And if it is, could I copy and paste parts of it at a time rather than the whole thing all at once?

    You asked earlier about my HDD. It's partitioned into 4 partitions, or virtual drives: C, D, E and F. Drive C:\ is the root drive, of course, and Drive E:\ is where my Netscape 7.1.exe file has always been. There is a Temp folder in it that is where all my downloads are first put. I've never had any trouble copying and/or pasting anything into or out of it that I can recall.

    I just got home from a dental appointment, so I haven't done anything with either SM or NS yet. I await your further suggestions.
  16. 2007/08/20

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    Can you give the answers to these questions, so I can get back to the help I'm getting:
    I was pointed to the directions for moving a SeaMonkey profile from the default location.
    NOTE: This doesn't take into consideration that you are installing a second browser with Netscape 7 already installed...

    If disk space on C:\ is an issue, you can move the Mail, Bookmarks, and Cache to another location, rather than the entire Profile. I have an idea that about 80% of the 223 MB is your Mail folder.

    For now, uninstall SeaMonkey, and delete the SeaMonkey Profile and select Delete Files, in order to clear out everything.

    Don't reinstall SeaMonkey yet. Let's wait until we can find the issues that caused the error, and as soon as you answer the questions I was asked, we can move along. You can use your ISP's web mail portal to send, until we can get all the information needed. If that's agreeable with you?
  17. 2007/08/20

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    You asked earlier about my HDD. In my Post #34 I replied (I've edited this part slightly): It's partitioned into 4 partitions, or virtual (logical?) drives: C, D, E and F. Drive C:\ is the root drive, of course, and Drive (Partition) E:\ is where my Netscape 7.1.exe file has always been and the Desktop's NS shortcut points to. There is a Temp folder in it that is where all my downloads are first put. I've never had any trouble copying and/or pasting anything into or out of it that I can recall. Is that what they mean by "writable "?

    That's about the best I can do to answer most of those questions. The HDD is my desktop computer's internal HDD, 80 GB in size. Drive E:\ is a partition on that HDD. As for my having permissions to write to the E:\ partition, I'm the sole user of the computer, so I assume I do. I've created folders in it and I've copied and pasted files to and from it.

    And as I also said in Post #34, the OS is Win XP SP2 (HE).

    As for "protection," does that mean SSL or does it mean malware programs (anti-virus, etc.) or does it mean something else?

    I don't know what is meant my "permissions" and what they've been set to.

    They ask what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to create a SeaMonkey profile in Partition E:\ so I can install the SeaMonkey 1.1.4 suite in that partition and will later copy and paste some folders and files from another partition, the root drive C:\, to the SeaMonkey folder I'll create in Partition E:\.

    Your experts appear to be the very definition of an expert -- someone who takes something simple and makes it sound complicated. Since I'm far from being an expert when it comes to computers, I hope you can help get my humble descriptions into language they can understand and use to get my predicament sorted out.
  18. 2007/08/21

    Westside Inactive Alumni

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    There is no way in the world to answer your questions in a simple manner.
    The standard way is to work with one partition, so, I strike out right there.
    My previous computer had two partitions, and profiles seemed to disappear there. Life is so much simpler with a single partition.
    But, I don't want to influence on this. Just a question. You said that your .slt folder is 223 Mb. Have you tried to find out where the bulk lies?
    I am using four profiles for my different programs, and the largest .slt folder is 60 Mb. All three folders are in a special profile folder. I am not using the default folder. My largest .slt folder has 45 MB in the four mail accounts. This suggests that the Mail folder is the biggie. 223 Mb is not so much, but a lot may lie in the Mail folder, as Ramona had suggested, but not enough to cause problems.
    Permissions, usually, but not always, refer to Windows OS permissions. If there is a single user there should be no issue. However, some programs, like iTunes, invoke permissions as an explanation for their deficiencies. But, I never saw this in any of the programs you are trying to use.
  19. 2007/08/21

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Westside: You're right. Of the 223 MB in my *.slt file, 200 MB are for the Mail folder. There are 19 MB in the netscape.hst file and 5 MB in the training.dat file. The rest are insignificantly small.

    As the only user of this computer, there shouldn't be any Permissions issues, as you say.

    I wouldn't think having a browser in a partition other than C:\ should be a problem. I have my Netscape 7.1 program in Partition E:\ and have the Desktop icon for NS pointing to the netscape.exe file there, and it's worked OK for years. At least up until this very recent issue with my ISP no longer supporting NS-'s sending of e-mails. The problem is getting SeaMonkey installed correctly and then moving some files from the old NS profile over to Partition E:\. I'm wondering if SM's profile can be in E:\ or does it have to be in that C:\Documents and Settings\...Mozilla...\Profiles path? I'd like to get as much of SM in E:\ as I can. The way my NS is set up now, the Mail, Bookmarks, Address Book, etc. files are all in that path on C:\. Can that be avoided?
  20. 2007/08/21

    Ramona Geek Member Alumni

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    You can delete the netscape.hst file, and it will be rebuilt on the next restart of Netscape. Its sole purpose in only to record every URL you have accessed.

    The problem isn't having SM in the partition, but the problem is not being able to move the Profile to the partition. That's where you're stuck right now. That's where I'm stuck too, as I've never had a partitioned HDD, and not literate in that area.

    According to the MozillaZine KB Article, the Profile can be moved to the partition, leaving only the Mozilla folder containing registry.dat, and pluginreg.dat files: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Moving_your_profile_folder#Using_the_Profile_Manager_to_move_your_profile
    But you are getting an error when trying to set up the Profile in E:, and that's what we're trying to solve.
  21. 2007/08/21

    BOBBO Geek Member Thread Starter

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    Ramona: You said in post #39:
    It just occurred to me that we probably don't want to do that now. That profile somehow got corrupted, it absorbed the old NS 7.1 profile, which for some reason won't let me send e-mails even in SeaMonkey now. So I'm assuming that what we need to do is delete that profile and start from scratch, create a new profile for SeaMonkey in Partition E:\, and go from there. Right?
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