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Unable to get to Win2k critical update page

Discussion in 'Legacy Windows' started by monarols, 2002/01/19.

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  1. 2002/01/19

    monarols Inactive Thread Starter

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    Hi, I am aware that there was an issue last week regarding people not being able to access critical updates, and I think it has been fixed, tho not for me, sadly. I still carnt access them! I was told to check my security settings, by doing as listed below:

    1, download signed activeX controls
    2. run activeX controls & plug ins
    3 script activeX controls marked safe for scripts
    4 session cookies
    5 Java
    6 scripting...active scripting

    these should get you into update....if not then its not your settings

    CAUTION:: DO NOT LEAVE THE ABOVE SETTINGS ENABLED.....take care of business then close broswer and disable above settings!

    I have done this, cleaned out my "Temp" folder, refreshed the page, done a repair on my ie installation, restarted the browser, but still I get the error message:

    Network Error
    Connection reset by peer in transfer loop while retrieving http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/R899/V31site/x86/nt5/en/Ie5/Navigator.htm

    Apparently it has something to do with DNS servers, and a reply that someone got from M$ was:

    According to a post from a Microsoft employee, Windows Update wasn't available through some ISPs' DNS servers, and he recommended switching DNS to and These are UU.NET DNS servers, which presumably could be guaranteed to have the right records for Windows Update on them.

    How to I switch the DNS to the above settings? I run Win 2k pro.
    Thanks for any help all Cheers Chris
  2. 2002/01/19
    Kevin Lifetime Subscription

    Kevin Well-Known Member

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    Right-click the connection you want to modify, and select Properties.

  3. to hide this advert.

  4. 2002/01/19

    monarols Inactive Thread Starter

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    Thanks Kevin, I will try this....Cheers
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